The purpose of the report is to increase the understanding of Swedish companies’ performance in 台湾 and deepen our appreciation of the opportunities and challenges that the market possess. In addition, it will hopefully serve as a reference in trade dialogues between PG电子官方免费下载 and 台湾.

The previous year have introduced several challenges for Swedish companies in 台湾. Challenges presented by the geopolitical environment as well as a rise in Covid-19 cases led to uncertainty as to how the developments would impact the 台湾ese market.

尽管面临不同的挑战, 台湾’s economy is experiencing unprecedent growth and the islands real per capita GDP is expected to be the largest in East Asia, 在制造业持续强劲增长的带动下, 最著名的是半导体.

The market consistently ranks highly in global economic indices measuring ease of doing business, 经济自由, 和竞争力.

A large majority, 76 per cent, of Swedish companies saw a positive economic performance during 2021. 参与调查的公司中,只有6%出现了财务损失, 考虑到2019冠状病毒病在2021年的负面影响,这一点值得注意.

PG电子官方免费下载品牌的吸引力依然很强, and 66 per cent of participating companies believe that the Swedish brand contributes much or very much to their business in 台湾.

Please download the report to fully overview the results with a detailed analysis. 


The Business Climate Survey is a tool developed to map the opportunities and challenges that Swedish companies face when doing business in 台湾. This report presents the conclusions drawn from the survey and an analysis based on the current business situation, 经济前景, as well as other market aspects believed to be relevant for companies operating or planning to establish themselves in 台湾.

与84家公司进行了联系, 其中有35家公司参与, 这相当于41的回复率,7%. 参与的公司代表了广泛的行业.

最后, we would like to extend our most sincere gratitude to the participating companies and respondents which have contributed to this report with valuable insights.