The innovative 和 ground breaking technology developed by Parans allows natural sunlight to be led deep into buildings which means the starting point for strategic analysis needed to focus on partners that were aligned with the company’s sustainable product offering.


对市场的初步调查发现,大多数潜在的合作伙伴都位于西海岸. 这个集群, combined with the region’s increased investment in green 和 sustainable technologies made it a prioritised region to identify a new partner.

弗雷德里克·约翰逊,销售高级副总裁 & 营销解释道:

“Being in the natural light industry meant it was important to look into the amount of sun hours in different areas of the US. 我们之前在旧金山地区做过一些安装, 为亚利桑那大学工作, 以及西海岸的医院, 和 we also had references from prior partners about which states were in the forefront of green technology. 这些见解为我们提供了一个很好的起点.”

While identifying partners is only the beginning of setting up a distribution channel in a new market, it is one of the most challenging aspects - especially when you are on the other side of the world in a completely different time zone. Business PG电子官方免费下载’s team of experts on the ground in the US supported Parans with their partner search 和 overcome the challenge of screening 和 prioritising potential partners without a local presence.

我不认为我们有足够的员工、专业知识或当地知识来独自执行这项任务. Business PG电子官方免费下载’s local expertise 和 resource capacity enabled them to reach out to a large number of companies in various categories of partners. 弗雷德里克·约翰逊,销售高级副总裁 & 市场营销,Parans太阳能照明

在确定潜在合作伙伴候选人的过程中, Business PG电子官方免费下载 maintained continuous dialogue with Parans 和 also addressed several key issues during the screening process. 这些问题包括确定不同的销售分销渠道, 管理结构, 以及Parans提供的整体PG电子游戏. 为了搜索成功, 合作伙伴候选人需要市场影响力, 互补价值主张, 有销售采光系统的记录, 管理团队有着相似的企业价值观和发展业务的雄心.

利用当地专业知识寻找合适的合作伙伴至关重要, 弗雷德里克·约翰逊解释道:

“我不认为我们有足够的员工、专业知识或当地知识来独自执行这项任务. Business PG电子官方免费下载’s local expertise 和 resource capacity enabled them to reach out to a large number of companies in various categories of partners. 然后他们把范围缩小到如此高质量的短名单,这是非常有价值的。”.


The collaboration between Parans 和 Business PG电子官方免费下载 delivered an extensive screening process of potential partners which gave Parans the insights to be able to pursue discussions with one of the identified prioritised partners – who they have now signed a partnership agreement with. 新合伙人, Lumenomics, is a natural lighting distribution 和 installation company with a focus on providing integrated daylighting solutions to help companies maximise natural light in designed spaces.

The partnership has presented an opportunity to Parans to accelerate their positioning within the network of distributors before extending their reach into other interesting segments in the US market. 约翰逊总结道:

“Our goal for 2021 is to get a footprint in place in the US 和 have four to five installations completed to showcase our solutions in the different sectors we are operating in, 比如医院, 商业楼宇及零售. We are driving a marketing campaign with our partner focusing on new segments where we can further exp和”.


Parans从2008年开始进入美国市场, 与销售代理和分销商合作进行市场推广, 销售和安装他们的产品. 然而, 由于经销商所有权状态的变化, 两家公司的抱负和重点不再一致. Parans needed to identify 和 start working with a new partner if their growth ambitions in North America were to continue.


Business PG电子官方免费下载 worked together with Parans to map 和 identify potential new partners who could support their growth in the US market. 通过合作伙伴映射和优先级策略, Parans获得了接触合适合作伙伴的必要支持, 列出要瞄准的合作伙伴名单, 并找出最适合实现其在美国雄心勃勃的增长计划的公司.


PG电子游戏的合作伙伴映射产生了53个符合Parans标准的确定合作伙伴, 随后是初步对话和筛选,以确认Parans的产品是否合适和有兴趣. This analysis 和 assessment resulted in a key partner being identified 和 pursued as part of the prioritisation strategy.


Parans pursued a partnership with one of the targeted partners which culminated with a signed partnership agreement. 随着Parans在美国市场的地位越来越稳固, 建立本地实体, 建立本地销售团队, 和 working even more closely with their partners are expected to be part of their plans for continued growth in the North American market.

关于Parans Solar Lighting AB

Parans Solar Lighting AB develops 和 sells proprietary 和 patented innovative solar lighting products which capture 和 lead sunlight into the rooms of buildings where natural sunlight otherwise doesn’t reach.

通过Parans的产品, 自然阳光可以在远离窗户的建筑部分体验到. Parans的产品是可持续和环保的, 和, 反过来, 提高建筑内居民的幸福感和生产力.

Parans在中东拥有现有的市场份额, 主要在阿拉伯联合酋长国和卡塔尔. 在亚太地区,合伙人代表Parans在澳大利亚、印度、马来西亚、泰国和香港. 此外,Parans Solar Lighting正在中国设立销售办事处.  在欧洲, Parans在罗马尼亚有代表, 波兰, Turkey 和 is currently exp和ing into 德国 和 法国 while also searching for partners to cover 西班牙, 比荷卢经济联盟, 摩洛哥和埃及.